Hanukkah Package Thank You to Project MOT From Kabul

Photo of soldiers lighting menorah2Here is another thank you to Project MOT. Click here if you’d like to help with Project MOT’s holiday packages sent to deployed Jewish men and women in the U.S. military worldwide.

Dear Project MOT,

Thank you for the wonderful, thoughtful care package, I really appreciate it.

I’m writing you from Kabul, Afghanistan where I am an Aide de Camp to a Brigadier General in charge of rebuilding the Afghanistan Justice System and also overseeing the fighting of corruption, prevention of extra judicial killings and prosecution of gross violations of human rights.

Despite 14 years of war, the Taliban are still active and we, as the NATO coalition, are doing everything we can to ensure that the fledgling Ghani administration is able to continue helping the people of Afghanistan.

Thank you for your support to myself and other Jewish soldiers currently deployed. I hope you have a very Happy Hanukkah!



First Lieutenant, US Army
Aide de Camp