Project M.O.T Receives Thanks for a Purim Package

Photo of thank youDear Project MOT,

Thank you for the wonderful, thoughtful Purim Care Package. Purim was one of my favorite holidays growing up with my family’s Havurah. The care package brought back the great memories of those times. I shared the snacks and candy with my office and we have already used the birthday card to celebrate one of the team member’s birthdays. What a great idea to include blank cards!

On a more serious note, the work and support you all are doing is so important to the other Jewish American troops and myself serving abroad. As we currently see in the state of global affairs, Judaism is once again under attack by many hateful voices and your support counters that vitriol.

My deployment continues to be an unbelievable learning experience. I work for a Brigadier General who has been tasked with stopping Gross Violations of Human Rights, preventing Extrajudicial Killings and combating Corruption. I am responsible for keeping him safe and ensuring that he is able to accomplish his mission of making Afghanistan a better place.

Thank you again for your support. I hope to meet some or all of you when I get back home this fall!

Click here to read the Purim chapter in the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION.


  1. As the wife of a retired Air Force 0-6 and as a former columnist for Stars & Stripes in Europe, I am proud to see the quality and character of our armed forces remains superlative.

    Thanks for all you do to protect our military, America’s freedoms and way of life.

    — Bonnie Bartel Latino
    Co-author of the award-winning military love story and mystery, YOUR GIFT TO ME at

    1. Bonnie —

      Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment. Much appreciated!

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