Experimenting With BookGrabbr: THE BLOOD GUILT PRICE

BookGrabbr.com is an innovative book marketing and book lovers site that I just came across via Twitter. The platform offers book authors a promotional tool while giving readers free access to ebooks in exchange for sharing what they’re reading.

When I found this opportunity, I DMed with @BookGrabbr on Twitter regarding an idea. I wanted to write a prequel story to my fantasy adventure story ROAD TO ZANZICA, which is a Kindle ebook on Amazon. Then the buy link for the story on Bookgrabbr would go to ROAD TO ZANZICA.

The very helpful person on the other end of @BookGrabbr DMs did suggest that I create a new cover for the prequel story — THE BLOOD GUILT PRICE — rather than using the cover of ROAD TO ZANZICA, which I had originally envisioned using.

I took this advice and used my new favorite image creation site — Canva.com — to create a cover. (I’m now using Canva to create images for information articles on my husband’s website EstatePlanningForYou.com and putting those Canva images on the “Estate Planning For You” board on my profile on Pinterest.)

After THE BLOOD GUILT PRICE was uploaded to BookGrabbr, I added the link to the BookGrabbr page to the ROAD TO ZANZICA page on Goodreads. And of course I’ll be using social media to promote this BookGrabbr link. In fact, I may even advertise it via Pinterest ads.

FYI — At this time the video tutorial says you must upload an ePub. But in fact, if you look at the small print on the “add a book” upload page, you can also upload a pdf, which is what I did.

Full disclosure: There is a fee for using BookGrabbr and I am paying the fee — I did NOT get a free upload to test out this site. Yet, while I am cautious as to how I spend my limited book marketing budget, I decided that this new opportunity seemed worth trying. And although I did have an issue with my first upload, BookGrabbr support promptly took care of this.

UPDATE January 11, 2016: I have now added THE BLOOD GUILT PRICE story as the prologue in the ROAD TO ZANZICA ebook on Amazon.  Click here to read ROAD TO ZANZICA for free with a Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription or for only 99 cents.

© 2015 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including HOW TO SUCCEED IN HIGH SCHOOL AND PREP FOR COLLEGE and the romantic suspense spy thriller CIA FALL GUY. All of her Kindle ebooks can be read for free via Amazon’s monthly subscription program Kindle Unlimited. Phyllis can be reached at pzmiller@gmail.com