Four Guest Posts and a Query

Some of you may recognize that the title of this blog post riffs on the film “Four Weddings and a Funeral.” I just wanted to find a catchy title to share with you four new guest posts of mine:

Encouraging teens and young adults:

Following Your Passion

The quicksand of fictional character portrayal:

Can a Female Fictional Character Have the Same Traits as James Bond?

Book marketing with holiday promotions:

Ask PZM November 2012

The origin of the triad of military spouse novels (FREE on Veterans Day):

A Triad of Writers

And now for the query:

I have just published to Kindle (awaiting approval to be published) the first book in the Rebecca Stone cozy mystery series. Here is the description I wrote for Amazon for CAST THE FIRST STONE:

Cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE introduces Los Angeles business reporter Rebecca Stone. In her first amateur sleuth case she is asked to help determine whether the murder of a Wharton professor spending the summer term at UCLA is connected to The Wharton School.

But when this request requires Rebecca to work with a former fiance who dumped her to focus on his Wall Street career, Rebecca is confronted with the moral dilemma of whether the price of Wharton team spirit is too high.

Meanwhile, she tries to improve her cooking skills to impress her current fiancĂ©. He doesn’t know about her former one and Rebecca intends to keep it that way!

Recipes from the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION by Rabbi Karen L. Fox and Phyllis Zimbler Miller (available on Amazon) are included in this cozy mystery.

If anyone would like a free Kindle format emailed to you to read (and if you like it to review on Amazon), email me at

(Don’t have a Kindle? No problem. You can get a FREE Kindle app for your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC or Mac at

And remember about the three FREE Kindle military spouse novels on Veterans Day — click here for more info.

© 2012 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is a former military spouse as well as the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including the military fiction MRS. LIEUTENANT: A Sharon Gold Novel.

Click here to visit her Amazon author page at

She also has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company