Is European History Once Again Repeating?

The news of armed forces massing on the borders of a European country is nothing new in that part of the world.

Yet I cannot help feeling the irony of working on my Cold War memoir TALES OF AN AMERICAN OCCUPYING GERMANY while reading on the front page of the March 28, 2014, Wall Street Journal the beginning of the article by Adam Entous and Julian E. Barnes entitled “Russian Buildup Stokes Worries: Pentagon Alarmed as Troops Mass Near Ukraine Border”:

WASHINGTON—Russian troops massing near Ukraine are actively concealing their positions and establishing supply lines that could be used in a prolonged deployment, ratcheting up concerns that Moscow is preparing for another major incursion and not conducting exercises as it claims, U.S. officials said.

Such an incursion could take place without warning because Russia has already deployed the array of military forces needed for such an operation, say officials briefed on the latest U.S. intelligence.

And here is the last paragraph of my memoir’s Chapter 18, which I just posted on Wattpad:

How many wars were supposedly fought over religious — or political — differences?

But when it came down to it, hadn’t these wars actually been fought for the same reason as all wars were fought — a power grab for the control of other people’s lands?

It remains to be seen whether the history of conquest in Europe is once again being repeated.

Click here to read the first 18 (short) chapters on Wattpad of my Cold War memoir TALES OF AN AMERICAN OCCUPYING GERMANY.

P.S. Click here to read an interview with me on the blog of author Stacy Juba.

© 2014 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO PUBLISH AND MARKET YOUR BOOK IN THE AGE OF AMAZON and the romantic suspense spy thriller CIA FALL GUY.