Guest Post Regarding “National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week”

Here is a guest post from T.K. Marion — and surely there are Jewish veterans being honored as part of this national salute:

Reading, PA — Next week is “National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week.” I would wager a guess that very few people know about this event, excluding veterans, military personnel and their families, of course. I was ignorant of it until late last year.

How does one properly salute our hospitalized veterans who fought heroically against our foes? I suppose everyone has their own private way of honoring our wounded warriors.

As one who was raised in a military family — my late father served with distinction for 22 years in the Navy — I, too, want to honor our Purple Heart heroes.

As an author of three military historical novels, I write stories about Americans for Americans: stories that honor our fighting men and women for their courage, sacrifice and dedication in the service of our great republic.

As a philanthropist and founder of Thirteen Stars Foundation, I believe in helping the nonprofit community by performing book-signing fundraisers, which I call “Author for a Cause” initiatives. I do this by providing the nonprofit a percentage of my book sales.

In 2011 and the years ahead I am particularly committed to supporting military and veterans’ causes.

On February 9th I will be visiting the Coatesville VA Medical Center in southeast Pennsylvania to honor our hospitalized heroes by giving out 200 autographed copies of my novels. I call this initiative “Books for Our Heroes.” It is my way to say thank you for everything these heroes have done to guarantee our freedoms.

The Coatesville hospital currently accommodates approximately 450 patients, so we are about 250 books short of giving one to every hero in the hospital.

If you would like to donate to a hospitalized veteran at Coatesville or any other VA or military medical center across the country, please visit my website at and purchase one or more of my novels.

Discounts are available and I also welcome corporate sponsors who would be willing to contribute to our “Books for Our Heroes” program.

Next stop for me will be the Philadelphia VA Medical Center. At least, I hope so.

But surely one does not need to purchase my novels to honor our hospitalized veterans next week. If you find the time, visit your local VA or military hospital or clinic and give what you can to say thank you for their devoted and selfless service to our country.

Perhaps a gift, flowers or whatever you feel would make them realize that you are never far from honoring them through your thoughts and prayers. Sometimes just a handshake or pat on the back is sufficient.

Trust me, as one who honors our patriotic service men and women 365 days a year, I know.

God bless you!
T. K. Marion


Note: I would like to thank Phyllis Zimbler Miller for allowing me to post this message on her blog. It has been a privilege.