Books of CreateSpace Self-Published Authors Can Be Sold in Europe

Amazing announcement from Amazon’s CreateSpace:

CreateSpace is excited to help you reach readers in Europe for free. In just a few minutes, you can distribute your book directly through Amazon’s European websites, including,,,, and

Plus, we’re now offering more flexible payment options for our industry-leading royalties. You can easily select direct deposit in the U.S. or Europe and get paid in U.S. dollars, British pounds, or Euro – your choice.

While this news is amazing in terms of opening up European distribution channels for books self-published via Amazon’s CreateSpace, it does leave open the question of “Why did it take so long to offer this?”

After all, we are talking about digital files. POD (Print on Demand) books such as those of CreateSpace can be printed digitally only when ordered. Digital files can be printed as easily in Europe as in the U.S.

Still, let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying goes. Better now than never.

Caution: This extra distribution channel is NOT automatic for CreateSpace authors. They must go into their account to update their payment information and make decisions on the prices of their books in Europe.

P.S. And this is a momentous “book day” for me for another reason:

With the help of my business partner Yael K. Miller, I had converted HOW TO SUCCEED IN COLLEGE AND PREP FOR BEYOND COLLEGE into a Kindle ebook (coding was complicated by my complex formatting for the book).

This morning I uploaded the mobi file to Kindle Direct Publishing and chose the Kindle Select option. Now I am looking forward to testing whether only putting the ebook on Kindle for 90 days (Kindle Select option) pays off.

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(c) 2012 Miller Mosaic, LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller on Twitter and @ZimblerMiller on Pinterest) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company, which helps clients with defining who they are and what they have to offer.

Check out the HOW TO SUCCEED series for teens and young adults.


  1. Susan —

    Thanks for the congrats!

    In terms of the expanded distribution — I’m thinking about how we can get in front of these potential new readers. Guest blog posts in the U.K. in English, but unless we are fluent in European languages, we would need to find sites that cater to English-speakers in those countries.

    If you or I get any ideas, let’s share.


  2. My book Barbara Jean Westbrook is available on Nook and smashwords. I would really like to expand the book in the U.K. Please advise.

  3. Definitely get your book on Kindle in the U.S. That usually enables your book to show up automatically on the other Amazon country sites that have Kindle, which includes the U.K.

    You could decide to also publish the book as a paperback through Amazon’s CreateSpace and then agree to have your paperbook sold on Amazon country sites in Europe.

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