Authors Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Phyllis Zimbler Miller Launch for Book Proposal Submission

Carolyn Howard-Johnson and I are trying something new with our proposal for the nonfiction book MARKETING YOUR FICTION that we are co-authoring.  We are launching the proposal on a special website designed to make access easier for agents and publishers.

That we chose to include a chapter on blogging in that proposal seemed propitious.  And so we decided why not–with all that great how-to information on blogging in it–offer the chapter to others to read now?  Rather than asking writers who could benefit from the info now to wait until the book is published.

And we’re taking our own advice from our blogging chapter:  We’re launching a blog that will share the steps of this innovative plan–that is, to utilize a dedicated website as part of our book proposal submission process.

Both Carolyn and I will be posting to this blog as we describe the steps we’re taking to bring MARKETING YOUR FICTION to the aid of the ever-growing audience of published and self-published authors.   And we hope you’ll come along with us for this journey of discovery.

Today Carolyn and I co-hosted our second tweetchat on Twitter.  In the first one on March 10th we discussed fiction book marketing.  The one today was about writing book proposals.

If you missed the book proposal tweetchat, we’ve provided an edited transcript of it in the post that followed this one.  We hope that you’ll find the information in the tweetchat useful for your book publishing/marketing endeavors.

And we also hope you’ll follow along with us on this blog (you can signup for the blog’s RSS feed) because Carolyn and I are looking forward to sharing our book publishing and book marketing knowledge with you!

–   Phyllis Zimbler Miller