
Marketing Your Fiction Proposal Ready to Go Out to Agents

Carolyn Howard-Johnson and I have finally finished writing and rewriting and revising and revising our book proposal for Marketing Your Fiction.  Of course, it’s both good and bad to co-write a book proposal with an expert on writing book proposals.

Carolyn’s ebook The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Book in Twenty Minutes or Less sells on Amazon for 49 cents — and is an excellent resource.

The good part is that she really knew what we were doing.  The bad part is that we couldn’t just slough off — we had to work on the proposal until it was outstanding.  And I think we achieved our goal.

As part of our experiment with this site, we’ve put the agent query on this site in case any book agents happen to visit the site.  We’ll also be sending out the query to targeted agents.

Then we’ll provide interested agents with the link to download a pdf of the proposal.  Or they can receive it the old-fashioned way through the mail.  Their choice.

We’ll keep you posted on how this part of our process goes.  And if you are a book agent — or know of any book agent who might be interested in considering representing the project — let us know.  You can email Carolyn at hojonews@aol.com or me at pzmiller@millermosaicllc.com.

— Phyllis Zimbler Miller

One Comment

  1. Aha!, we’re on our way, Phyllis. The book propsosal trail can be a long and circuitous one. But very satisfying!


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