Trying Favstar for More Effective Twitter Use

I just came across a July 24, 2013, Wall Street Journal article — “On Twitter, More ‘Favoriting’” — by Katherine Rosman and was reminded that I wanted to check out the site Favstar.

The article explains:

…a website dedicated to ranking tweets and tweeters by the favorites they generate. Founded in 2009 by Tim Haines, Favstar has 3 million monthly users. Mr. Haines, an engineer, says he created the site because he realized that the favorite was an important feedback signal that could help him get a sense of what his Twitter followers were interested in reading in his feed.

I have now signed into Favstar via my Twitter account (@ZimblerMiller) and am trying out the different features. (There is a pro account that has a fee; I’m using the free option.)

What I like best so far is the ability to put in the Twitter username of anyone and see the “Best of” that person’s tweets. (You can also do this for your own Twitter account.) You see both the number of favs (the star option for favoriting a tweet) and the number of retweets.

In the past I have not often used Twitter’s favorite feature. Now given Favstar’s tracking, I understand that you can help others on Twitter by using the favorite feature when appropriate.

And as being a helpful member of the Twitter community is what it is important in my opinion, favoriting tweets and utilizing Favstar appear to now be effective strategies.

Click here to check out now.

© 2013 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO PUBLISH AND MARKET YOUR BOOK IN THE AGE OF AMAZON and the romantic suspense spy thriller CIA FALL GUY.