One Sailor’s Fight for His Veteran’s Rights
This is a proposed feature film project based on the true story of Harvey Ray Lucas, a radiation-stricken veteran who fought against his untimely death from radiation exposure from the ship on which he served.
Lucas (and after his death his family) fought the Department of Veterans Affairs in a 38-year court case. The family’s passion, tenacity and steadfast desire to fight for the rights of the American veteran defied the odds.
This is a true story reminiscent of the true story documented by the feature film K-9: THE WIDOW MAKER (directed by Kathryn Bigelow, who just directed THE HURT LOCKER).
Harvey Ray Lucas’s story starts with Navy personnel aboard the USS Calhoun County (LST-519), a ship whose mission during some periods of time was dumping toxic waste. Lucas proceeds to document the boat’s whereabouts and dumpings at sea as he battles radioactive waste poisoning.
Lucas stumbles upon some medical records and a radioactive badge. He steals the badge as a way to unravel the mission of the Calhoun County (LST-519). He begins to question the connection of 55-gallon drums and he is convinced to investigate and take pictures.
Then he discovers a cover-up involving the boat’s mission that caused devastating illnesses among its sailors for years to come. No protection gear meant their fate was sealed.
Lucas’ wife Barbara Ann takes on the Department of Veterans Affairs and its lawyers and wins without legal assistance. She receives the first settlement ever paid in a direct service connection from the USS Calhoun County (LST-519). By triumphing over insurmountable odds, she is able to fulfill the deathbed promise made to her husband and give dignity to his death.
If you can offer any advice or help for this proposed film project, contact Jeanine Lucas at