Planning for Holiday KDP Select Promotions

After the Veterans Day KDP Select promotion for the triad of military fiction novels, I reflected on what I had learned from different KDP Select free day promotions on Amazon for Kindle ebooks.

Holiday season is upon us, and I decided to try out a synergy of promotional efforts. I would pick four separate KDP Select free days — one for each of my current four fiction books — and submit the four titles simultaneously to the different websites that list KDP Select free days.

My holiday KDP Select schedule is:

Now I’m going to admit that in one of the above cases I am NOT taking my own advice about running a KDP Select promotion:

At this moment CAST THE FIRST STONE has no reviews — and it is not a good idea to run a KDP Select promo until a book has 5-6 reviews.

Why am I breaking my own rule?

Because the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah this year starts the evening of December 8th, and as CAST THE FIRST STONE is a Jewish mystery in addition to a cozy mystery, it could make a good gift for people’s Kindles. Hence the free date of December 4th because the start of Hanukkah.

CAST THE FIRST STONE includes recipes for Shabbat from the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION that I wrote with Rabbi Karen L. Fox. You can get SEASONS on Amazon and get the recipes for Hanukkah along with an explanation of the Jewish calendar.

(Additional note in connection with CAST THE FIRST STONE: I am currently revising two short Rebecca Stone mystery stories for the short story book TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE that I will be publishing on Kindle in a few days. Business partner Yael K. Miller is creating the cover for this short story book now.)

As I am in full disclosure mode, I am going to reveal another of my own rules that I have been breaking — and will soon fix:

In this article “How to Have a Book Website That Effectively Sells Your Book,” I discuss six errors I frequently see being made. I am making error #4 on this site (although I am not making this error on other websites my company has). Click here to read the article and check yourself out against the errors. Are you also making error #4?

If anyone would like a free Kindle copy of the cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE to read — and then if you like the book to post a review on Amazon (hopefully before December 4th), email me at

And if you have holiday promotion plans for your books, do leave a comment below describing it.

© 2012 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is a former military spouse as well as the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including the military fiction MRS. LIEUTENANT: A Sharon Gold Novel and the cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE with a subplot of non-combat trauma PTSD.

Click here to visit her Amazon author page at

She also has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company