Jewish Holidays and Shabbat

Brought to you from the book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION

By Rabbi Karen L. Fox and Phyllis Zimbler Miller

soldiers lighting hannukiah

Purchase the book on Amazon.

Read these chapters from SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION:

Read the Rosh Hashanah chapter.

Read the Yom Kippur chapter.

Read the Sukkot chapter.

Read the Simchat Torah chapter.

Read the Hanukkah chapter.

Read the Tu B’Shvat chapter.

Read the Purim chapter.

Read the Pesach (Passover) chapter.

Read the Shavuot chapter.

Read the Shabbat chapter.

And see the section on ritual hand washing for Shabbat and holidays added in the appendix of the 2008 edition.

Buy on Amazon the entire Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION.

The appendix section entitled “The Jewish Calendar — A Different Cycle” from Seasons for Celebration: A Contemporary Guide to the Joys, Practices, And Traditions of the Jewish Holidays by Rabbi Karen L. Fox and Phyllis Zimbler Miller (with illustrations by Vicki Reikes Fox) begins:

The Jewish calendar is based on aspects of the solar and lunar calendars, which are different from the secular calendar based primarily on the solar calendar.

The beginnings and endings of each Jewish month are determined by the appearance and disappearance of the moon.  Yet the beginning of each Jewish year is dependent on the earth’s position in relationship to the sun.  The confluence of those two cycles form the Jewish calendar …

Read the entire appendix explanation of the Jewish calendar