Thinking of Our Jewish Military Personnel at Pesach

With the approach of Pesach, this is a good time to remember that much of our freedom in the United States depends on our military personnel, including Jews, who serve in harm’s way.

Thanks to Project MOT, Pesach holiday packages were sent to deployed Jewish troops, and here is one thank you that Project MOT received this year:

Dear Project MOT,

Thank you for the wonderful Pesach Care Package, I really appreciate it! I especially loved the kosher jelly fruit shaped candies. My Bubbie had those out at Passover every year and they brought back wonderful memories.

Thank you for your love and support to Jewish troops deployed overseas. You remind us why we chose to serve.

Wishing you a wonderful Passover with family and friends.

First Lieutenant Micah
Kabul, Afghanistan

Click here to contribute to Project MOT.

And if you want to read more about the holiday of Pesach, click here for the Pesach chapter from the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION.