IN THE FADE: Compelling German Film of Neo-Nazi Hate

I first learned of the 2017 film whose title in English is IN THE FADE when its writer and director Fatih Akin was part of a writers roundtable discussion hosted by The Hollywood Reporter. Having now watched this film on Hulu, I highly recommend it.

Akin was born in Hamburg of Turkish parentage, and IN THE FADE centers around a German woman married to a German of Turkish parentage. When her husband and young son are blown up in a hate crime with a bomb set by a neo-Nazi husband and wife, the woman at first believes there will be justice through the German court system.

What is as compelling as the film’s story of seeking justice is the important reminder of those groups such as neo-Nazis who believe they have the right to indiscriminately murder people only because those people are “different.”

While it may seem that we are far removed from the dark days of the Nazis’ murder of millions of Jews, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, mentally and physically challenged people, and others, if we are not vigilant we may yet again experience this horrendous scenario.

See the film IN THE FADE on Hulu for a compelling story of where such groundless hatred may lead.

And for a brief timeline of Nazi Germany, click here to read the post THE “STEPS” TO TOTALITARIANISM: NAZI GERMANY’S 12-YEAR REIGN OF TERROR.

© 2018 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks. Phyllis is available by skype for book group discussions and may be reached at

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