Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Not Only From Combat

As many of you know, I work on getting out information about PTSD. Because the symptoms may go unrecognized, it is important that as many people as possible learn about the symptoms.

And although I spend a great deal of my time talking about PTSD due to combat, PTSD can result from any trauma. Further, what is traumatic for one person may not be traumatic for another.

On the October 12, 2012, episode of the CBS drama BLUE BLOODS, a young female rape victim tells two NYPD detectives:

“They tell me that I have some sort of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I thought only soldiers coming back from war got that.”

When the two detectives nod in empathy, she continues:

“Do you know why I’m here? All of the drugs that they prescribed didn’t make me function again. They just gave me this whole other set of nightmares.”

And when she is told that two of the four rapists have been shot, she says: “I honestly wish someone would kill me.”

Why am I going into such detail about a fictional TV show?

Because fiction can often get across information more readily than nonfiction can. And I believe we all have a responsibility to recognize the symptoms of PTSD.

Please take a few moments to check out this PTSD information now at

Someone you know or love may need help — and your knowledge can help them.

P.S. If you are watching the Showtime drama HOMELAND, consider whether the main character, Carrie Mathison, has PTSD, especially given her actions near the end of the October 14th episode.

And in this same episode, the wife of the former POW (the other main HOMELAND character) asks in a fundraising speech for wounded veterans for support for military spouses BEFORE the combat family member comes home — to know what to expect and not to expect.

In terms of recognizing possible PTSD (which often develops a long time after deployment), this fictional idea could be very helpful.

(You also might like to check out my proposed TV fictional show dealing with PTSD at

© 2012 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks. A new nonfiction ebook of hers is book marketing ebook TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO MARKET YOUR BOOK ON AMAZON AND FACEBOOK and her newest fiction ebook is the romantic suspense spy story CIA FALL GUY.

Click here to visit her Amazon author page at

She also has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company


  1. I lived in Mexico some years ago, and was almost strangled to death, not to mention my head being slammed into concrete walls and floors, by an intruder in my home. I only saw a doctor once, immediately following the event, but I am certain that there were serious mental and emotional repercussions, including depression. I stopped singing as a result, and have just begun to start singing publicly after 15 years.

    Thank you for your tireless work on an important subject Phyllis.

    1. Michele — I very much appreciate your sharing this information here, especially as it may be very difficult for you to even mention this. Yet the more such personal information is shared, the more help perhaps other people can get. And it is very good to hear that you are finally singing again!

      1. Phyllis,

        It has taken this long to be able to speak about it openly, but I do see the value in sharing. In fact, I will be writing a book that addresses some of the fallout, although in a non-direct way.

        And it is incredible to be singing again. I am even writing my own songs now.

  2. Are you writing a novel or a nonfiction book? And that’s terrific that you are writing your own songs!

  3. Phyllis,

    Thank you for the work you do for PTSD victims. Although I was an Air Force spouse for 30 years, I didn’t recognize that I’ve had PTSD for the past 20 years due to suffering the compounding effects of grief.

    My PTSD was not related to the military EXCEPT that after my father died one day and two extremely close family friends were killed the next day, I had to fly back ‘home’ from Germany where my husband and I were stationed.

    I attended the visitations and the funerals, wrote the obituaries, etc, then back I flew to Germany– the whole situation was already so surreal, then being thrust back into life in Germany, I’m not sure my mind fully comprehended all the deaths. However! I certainly had nightmares that started the day of my Daddy’s funeral…in 1992 and have yet to end.

    It has also been said that after 9/11 and also Hurricane Katrina there were thousands upon thousands of people walking around with undiagnosed PTSD.

    We have to do a better job of getting the word out!

    Bonnie Bartel Latino
    Co-author, “Your Gift to Me” . . . a military novel about the healing power of love and laughter to triumph over grief

    1. Bonnie — Thank you so much for sharing your personal PTSD experiences here. As I said to Michele Jennae above, the more people who share about this topic will hopefully mean that more people with PTSD will get help.

  4. Many suffer from PTSD including myself after an assault. It is good the word is getting out. Sufferers need understanding to help them heal. Counseling by somebody who knows what they are doing is also important. Keep up your good work, Phyllis.

    1. Mary — Thank you so much for leaving this comment. It is so important to spread information about PTSD. Here is a post I wrote this week on PTSD in connection with military personnel —

      And in my brand-new cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE (see ) I deal with non-combat trauma PTSD. (I actually use part of this post in the Kindle ebook of the mystery.)

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