ROAD TO ZANZICA: Fantasy Adventure With a Female Sword-Wielding Protagonist

Sword-wielding Leeze am Holden accepts an unusual proposition from a young male aristocrat, a proposition that changes her entire life when overnight she becomes the Young Dowager Lady am Machal. (Inspired by the Regency novels of Georgette Heyer.)

“It happened on the road to Zanzica” begins the unexpected road adventures of Leeze am Holden.

July 2016: The East Texas Writers Guild named ROAD TO ZANZICA as First Place Winner in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category of Published Books for the guild’s annual First Chapter Contest.

(The East Texas Writers Guild named THE MOTHER SIEGE as Second Place Winner in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category of Works in Progress for the guild’s annual First Chapter Contest.)

First Place Sci-Fi Award

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En route to Zanzica to pay her family’s taxes, Leeze am Holden feels safe dressed as a boy in shirt and breeches, her sword at her side. Stopped for the night, she is surprised when a young man, his sword by his side, requests the honor of sword practice with her.

When during their swordplay she trips over a milk bucket, Perth am Machal offers her a hand up. As she stands, she overbalances and falls chest forward into him.

The realization of Leeze’s true gender leads Perth to extend a shocking proposition:

Will she marry his dying brother right now so that Perth’s mother and two sisters will not be left dispossessed by Perth’s uncle?

After all, Perth assures her, there will be no requirement for a wedding night. His brother, thrown from a horse the day before, can barely lift his head. And she would be saving the female members of his family.

How can Leeze say no to this?

Read a blog post about this fantasy story.