Thanksgiving Paen to Fellow Writers

On Thanksgiving I am particularly grateful for my fellow writers, including my brainstorming partner — children’s book author Susan Chodakiewitz — and my business partner and younger daughter — Yael K. Miller — plus triad military fiction authors Bonnie Bartel Latino and Kathleen M. Rodgers.

These four writers as well as others keep me from feeling badly when my non-writing friends pay little or no attention to my writer endeavors.

And thanks to Susan K. Becker, who sent me Nilofer Merchant’s wonderful blog post “How to Support an Author.” Click here to read this post now — and do follow these suggestions to support your author friends.

© 2012 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is a former military spouse as well as the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks, including the military fiction MRS. LIEUTENANT: A Sharon Gold Novel and the cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE with a subplot of non-combat trauma PTSD.

Click here to visit her Amazon author page at

She also has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the co-founder of the online marketing company


  1. So very grateful to be in a triad with Phyllis Zimbler Miller and Kathy Rodgers –and mentioned in this blog post. The triad is one of the most nurturing and productive relationships I have ever had as a writer.

    Wishing all writers, especialy women, could find a supportive group to receive and offer encouragement when needed. And to those who have that sort of group–have you made sure they all know how much they are appreciated?

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  2. Bonnie — So well said that we need to make sure the people we appreciate know they are appreciated!

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