“The Invisible War” Documentary
The documentary THE INVISIBLE WAR produced by Tanner King Barklow and Amy Ziering — shown at Sundance 2012 — is a powerful film about the high incidence of rape in the U.S. military — rape that often goes unchallenged and unpunished.
While there are numerous chilling statistics in this compelling documentary, perhaps the most disturbing statement is this:
Women who have been raped in the military have a PTSD rate higher than men who’ve been in combat.
According to Steve Pond’s June 28, 2012, article “Military Rape Documentary ‘Invisible War’ Leads to Policy Changes Before Its Opening” in thewrap.com:
In April, Secretary of Defense Panetta viewed the film — and two days later, according to [documentary producer Amy] Ziering, he held a press conference to announce changes in the military’s policy toward the prosecution of rapes.
But while the filmmakers welcome the change, both Ziering and [director Kirby] Dick say it isn’t enough. “By moving the decision up but leaving it in the chain of command, a lot of the problems that you get at the unit commander level still exist,” Dick said.
Given that the attacks on these women (and men) were perpetuated in many cases by personnel in their own units, the sense of betrayal can make the PTSD even more overwhelming.
Click here to read the entire thewrap.com story now — and then consider how you might help right this terrible wrong.