Why My Fantasy Novel Has No Magic

Road to Zanzica cover
Fantasy adventure story featuring sword-wielding Leeze am Holden.

I am expanding my fantasy adventure story ROAD TO ZANZICA into a full-length fantasy novel. Yet I will continue to avoid using magic in the adventures of Leeze am Holden. Why?

I am committed to portraying a strong female action protagonist utilizing the same mental and physical abilities as a male action protagonist and not relying on magic to help her in difficult situations. Yet ROAD TO ZANZICA is still a fantasy story even without magic.

The adventures take place in a fictional location in a Middle Ages-inspired setting. Leeze am Holden wields a sword and wears male garb when needed (otherwise she wears the long dresses of the imaginary time period). There are word terms and rituals created just for this story as well as a class of aristos that Leeze unexpectedly joins.

Of course there are also numerous circumstances that threaten Leeze and her new companions. Plus Leeze must deal with underlying romantic tension after overnight becoming the widow of Perth am Machal’s brother.

I am influenced by the fantasy stories I have read with both female and male protagonists as well as the Regency romance novels of Georgette Heyer. Yet I always keep in mind that fictional characters can impact real life perceptions. I want young woman to believe that they can take control of their own destinies rather than waiting for a “knight in shining armor” to rescue them.

And yes, with an eye to future action figures, I have designed sword-wielding attire for Leeze.

In addition, I have added one major fantasy element — there is a prophecy that may refer to Leeze. Is she indeed to inherit the landholdings of the lord who may have murdered her father?

I am now serializing ROAD TO ZANZICA on the free site Wattpad. Click here to begin reading the adventures of Leeze am Holden and do share her adventures via social media with your friends.

© 2017 Miller Mosaic LLC

Phyllis Zimbler Miller (@ZimblerMiller) has an M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is the author of fiction and nonfiction books/ebooks. Phyllis is available by skype for book group discussions and may be reached at pzmiller@gmail.com

Her Kindle fiction ebooks may be read for free with a Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription — see www.amazon.com/author/phylliszimblermiller — and her Kindle nonfiction ebooks may also be read for free with a Kindle Unlimited monthly subscription — see www.amazon.com/author/phylliszmiller